我已经向Acoustic Energy 确认,确实是厂家改了设计,对于家里有地毯的用户,用平线更好走线,说是对音质没有影响。壁挂架也要向零售商单独购买,不知道昌业有没?
The Aego M speaker cables were changed to the flatter type you have so they are more discreet and can be placed under carpets if necessary.The flatter cable has no effect on the quality of sound.
Wall brackets for the Aego M are available to buy seperately from your dealer.
Technical Support
Acoustic Energy Ltd
Email: technical@acoustic-energy.co.uk
Tel:01285 646588
From: planej12
Sent: Mon 10/05/2010 05:07
To: Technical
Subject: The 2 x 5 meter Speaker cables of AEGO M become thinner and flattened?
Hi, Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to check if the 2 x 5 meter Speaker cables of AEGO M become thin and flattened cable as picture as below? The cable of AEGO M which in Internet I found is the same as the cable of AEGO 2, which is thicker twice than the cable showed in the picture. Why mine cable become thinner?
The serial number of mine AEGO M is xxxxxx, which was bought from Changye Audio Visual Ltd (China) two days ago.
By the way, is there wall bracket in the box for user?
我今天买了一套aego m,发现和aego 2 相比有两个不同:
第一:主音箱(也就是低音炮)到卫星箱的两根音频线严重缩水,变成了非常单薄的扁线,线芯和aego 2配的线差了好几倍,直接影响声音效果,严重失望;而我在很多论坛上看到别人的aego m的主音箱(也就是低音炮)到卫星箱的两根音频线(很粗)还是和aego 2的相同,不知为什么有如此差别?
第二:也没有配挂脚架使用的橡胶筒了,我在网上订购的卫星箱脚架直接变成废品。而我在买的时候,昌业只说是新品,但没有提醒根本没有像aego 2内含的橡胶筒,从而无法使用脚架。
请昌业再次确认,为什么和aego 2相比,配置越来越差,价格越来越贵?我如何才能找到橡胶筒,如何才能得到和aego 2一样粗的音频线?
[ 本帖最后由 planej12 于 2010-5-11 10:26 AM 编辑 ] |