也许自己预订了索尼a7r的缘故,这些天一直在看国内外摄影师对它的评价,众口一词的说好。其中美国佬SteveHuff做了最为详尽的试用和评测。对于这位经常试验新相机的摄影师,他的体验是基于多年使用徕卡和五天试用a7/a7r的经验上获得的,因此也弥足珍贵。在莱卡面前我们即是崇拜者,也是屌丝,太想拥有一台像莱卡一样体积袖珍而画质强大、操控简便有效,且价钱便宜的准莱卡了,可以说a7/a7r圆了大部分梦想。他说:The A7 and A7r are full frame cameras, the word’s smallest full frame IC camera in fact. Next to the $7000 Leica M 240, this guy delivers the same or better IQ at a fraction of the cost (with most M mount lenses, not all) and also has the ability to use native mount FE lenses, Canon AF lenses and Nikon lenses. It’s an artists tool and the brushes you can paint with are limitless. THIS is what makes the A7 and A7r special。
他还说:I found it to be easy to manually focus Leica M lenses on the A7 and A7r and using the Zeiss 35 and 55 were also nice (though the 55 hunted in low light). I had 5 days with these cameras and enjoyed every minute of it, even pre-ordered one for myself (A7r) because facts are facts and reality is reality. With the A7 and A7r I can use thousands of lenses, have amazing image quality and a nice user experience for 1/3 to 1/4 the cost of a Leica M. The Sony will be more versatile, will never have focus issues due to getting knocked around and while not hand assembled in Germany, I have never had one issue with any Sony I have owned. Sony has been pushing hard and is the #1 company to innovate and create something new and special.
最后,他还深有感触地总结说: Zeiss ZM glass is AMAZING on this camera. Voigtlander glass is GREAT. Leica glass is stellar! 看来蔡司、福伦达和莱卡镜头都在这两款机器上找到了新的归宿。
[ 本帖最后由 老庄子 于 2013-11-6 10:00 PM 编辑 ] |