查看到昌业网站艺康斯信号线的种类The Best Boy RCA
The Composer RCA
The Baton RCA
The Baton XLR
The Conductor RCA
The Nu Diva RCA
The Maestro RCA
The Symphony RCA
The Symphony XLR
The Master RCA
The Master XLR
The Legend RCA
The Legend XLR
The Best Boy
The Composer
The Conductor CA1
The Baton
The Nu Diva
The Maestro MA2
The Symphony
The Myth/Pro
The Legend Se MkII
有些不明白艺康斯网站上没有The Master RCA;The Master XLR(仅仅举个例子,还包括喇叭线,电源线等)是否艺康斯网站上没有线不在英国本土制作?请版主回答