ヨセフ・ヨアヒム(Joseph Joachim)は、1831年ハンガリーに生まれ、1907年ベルリンで逝去、19世紀後半ドイツ派における代表的なバイオリニストである。
この楽器が直近の所有者は、著名なバイオリニストのキャサリン・レンスキーで、1960年から所有していた。彼女は1969年第16回パガニーニ国際コンクールにて第二位を獲得(第一位はギトン・クレメール)。その後、The Angeles Quartetを率いて、大作『ハイドン弦楽四重奏全集』(CD21枚組)をレコーディングし、歴史名盤として世に残した。
※この楽器は1949年に出版された『The Guadagnini Family of Violin makers
』の p.250にて、詳細な履歴が紹介されている。
About J.B.Guadagnini "Joachim"
J.B.Guadagnini was born in Bilegno in Val Tidone near Piacenza, now in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. He was regarded as one of the finest craftsmen of string instruments in history. He died in Turin in 1786. He practiced his craft for about 45 years, and his work is divided into four main periods corresponding to and named after, Piacenza, Milan, Parma and Turin, the four cities in Italy where he lived and worked. The instruments of the latter period, Turin, are generally considered to be his best work, and tend toward higher valuations.
This violin is one of the finest made when he was in Turin. Made in 1775, this instrument was owned and performed by Joseph Joachim, who was a famous violinist, conductor, composer and music educator. Therefore, this instrument is also known as Ex-Joachim. As a result, this is arguably one of the most recognized and valuable instruments ever made by J.B.Guadagnini.
Joseph Joachim (1831 - 1907) was a Hungarian violinist, conductor, composer and music educator. As a close collaborator of Johannes Brahms, he was widely regarded as one of the most significant violinists of the 19th century.
In 1839, Joachim moved to live and study in Leipzig. He was admitted to Leipzig Conservatorium and became a protégé of Felix Mendelssohn. The 12-year-old Joachim's 1844 performance in London was a triumph, and greatly contributed to his career success. In 1869, he formed the Joachim String Quartet, which quickly gained a reputation as Europe's finest.
Joachim was among the first to recommend J.B.Guadagnini's instruments. He greatly enjoyed his instruments, and believed that the J.B.Guadagnini's were just as good as Stradivarius'.
Joachim had long-time collaboration and friendship with many great composers of the time, including Brahms, Bruch, Dvořák and Schumann. Many well known titles from these composers were composed for Joachim, such as the Brahms Violin Concerto, Dvořák Violin Concerto, Schumann Violin Concerto and Bruch Violin Concerto.
The most famous owner of the Ex-Joachim in recent history, was established violinist Kathleen Lenski. She started performing on this instrument in 1960. She then went on and won the 2nd place in the 16th Paganini Competition in 1969. It is also on this instrument that Lenski recorded the complete collection of Haydn's Quartets (a total of 21 CDs) with the Angeles Quartet. This recording collection was widely regarded as the best rendition of Haydn's Quartets.作者: 乐林8t 时间: 2013-11-30 12:17 AM
李海鹰交响音乐会12月1日请来了美女小提琴文薇,会采用日本朋友那把1775年的意大利顶级名琴演奏六首小品,这把名琴叫“呱哒尼尼”名琴。 文薇1981年出生于四川成都,3岁起随小叔叔文有信学习小提琴。1993年,文薇考入了四川音乐学院附中跟随作曲家小提琴教育家杨宝智教授学琴。期间,文薇的指导 老师包括小提琴演奏家包弘,饶舒阳,李开祥等。1997年,文薇16岁,应香港叶氏合唱团之邀,参加在香港市政厅的庆回归演出。随后,文薇在澳大利亚攻读了学士学位,师从著名小提琴教育家张世祥教授和Gingold的高徒,小提琴独奏家Charmian Gadd。2003年,应小提琴演奏家林昭亮盛情邀请,文薇赴纽约的朱利亚音乐学院 Juilliard 深造,并得到迪蕾奖学金和伊琳钻石奖学金,在2005年,以优异的成绩取得音乐硕士学位。2005年末,文薇被母校四川音乐学院特聘为副教授,成为全国艺术院校里面最年轻的25岁副教授。在外国求学期间,文薇取得了许多国际小提琴比赛中的优异成绩:五年一度的西贝柳斯Sibelius国际小提琴比赛第三名;萨拉萨蒂Pablo Sarasate国际小提琴比赛第四名;维尼亚夫斯基Wieniawsky国际小提琴青年组比赛第二名;德国勋塔尔Kloster Schontal国际小提琴比赛青年组第三名;